I try so hard to bring you life, Yet you throw water on my flame. Its hard to light a candle in a stream. Water rises and falls, revealing levels unseen by the sun. Let me fill your cup. Songs dampened by despair, "Can I sing for you?" Choking on ice my voice runs cold. Love I offer, More than a simple kiss. Don't leave the life you love. Choking now on simple words, No sentence can I offer. A fear of this unwanted decay. Thoughts attempt to swim, Drowning from a distance. Don't leave my existance. Happiness noted only to friends, Feelings tucked in with the nightmares. "Dont fade from me , my love." Love I give, I shall never cease. Even despair deserves a Savior. Never forgotton, Always remembered. "You're more than a picture on a wall!" Stay with me, Accept my embrace. "My hand is stretched out still."
Black and white photographs, Tattered in pieces on the floor. “How many times must this happen?” “Another love turned to dust.” “What have I done now?” “Have I not treated you well?” Take the tattered lies and smiles, Place them in the coals. Watching them burn it hurts to remember, The beautiful lies that drove my past. “Who is my next victim?” “Will I be good enough for them?” Photographs now ashes, I shovel them out of the pit. Stashing them with past memories, All the others that I have burned. I return to the pit. Staring into the dancing flames, I hear a voice beckoning from within. Sultry and sweet like a demon to a priest. Beautiful and terrifying, The woman takes a form. Dancing in the flames, Enchanting in her blaze. Wearing only a smile, She calls my name. Grabbing me by the hand. “Follow me, Follow me.” I pull her from the flame, Longing for a true embrace. She is gone, at least for now. Her hand burned into mine. Time after time and day after day, I return to t...