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Hello My Lord

Walking in the same steps.

Day after day I pace this street.

Allies dark and molested by smog.

I pierce the dark veil.

Same conversations.

Same “How are you(s)?”

Same response.

“Adequate, I bid you adieu.”

One moment in time.

Yet years have been the same.

Give me one day away,

Absent from the bitterness of England.

Carriage wheels cracking against the cobblestones.

Whipping of horses.

Passengers with no known path.

Seeking out thoughts unknown.

Daily I watch as I veer through the streets.

Daily I listen to their elegant speech.

Eager for love and conversation.

I eloquently reach out a hand.

“Whom of you dares to speak with a devil?”

“Who dares to speak of centuries past?”

“Who would choose to speak with a beast such as I?”

“Hello My Lord.” A beautiful voice caresses my ears.

“My Lady, how may I serve thee?”

Blushing she smiles and steps forward to kiss my outstretched hand.

“I need an Angel in this darkness, What may I call thee?”

“Dominique, but you can call me Demonia.”
