Yet you throw water on my flame.
Its hard to light a candle in a stream.
Water rises and falls,
revealing levels unseen by the sun.
Let me fill your cup.
Songs dampened by despair,
"Can I sing for you?"
Choking on ice my voice runs cold.
Love I offer,
More than a simple kiss.
Don't leave the life you love.
Choking now on simple words,
No sentence can I offer.
A fear of this unwanted decay.
Thoughts attempt to swim,
Drowning from a distance.
Don't leave my existance.
Happiness noted only to friends,
Feelings tucked in with the nightmares.
"Dont fade from me , my love."
Love I give,
I shall never cease.
Even despair deserves a Savior.
Never forgotton,
Always remembered.
"You're more than a picture on a wall!"
Stay with me,
Accept my embrace.
"My hand is stretched out still."
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