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Through the night I carry her.

Moon full and bright.

No life or light remains.

“My Love be still, I will save thee.”

Forward I move,

Never Stopping, Never Ceasing.

I nearly begin to pray.

“God, you left me alone and damned,

Thou shalt not have this soul tonight!”

Faster I feel my feet move,

Quicker than a carriage at full speed.

I have no horses to move me,

Only undying love that I have for thee.

“I have lost to many to this fate,

But you are different from all the rest.”

“Demonia my love I see the castle on the horizon,

Thou shalt soon return to me!”

Damned and lost has been my path,

Until I swept you into the sky.

With me in the night, you in my sight,

The only living woman left for me.

I can not take this a moment more,

Many times I have tried to die.

I can not die, forever enslaved,

As God mocks my dark craved soul.

Rays begin to peak over the hill,

Moving faster even still,

We arrive in the Castle keep, 

Untouched by dawn.


I beg you, 

Bring her back to me.”

“My final love, Just a moment more,

Demonia, we now wait for the storm.”
