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Showing posts from December, 2020


Death watches over me as I sleep. Death beacons me from within. Death calls to me in the night. For once, Let me sleep. Death calls to me from the corner. Death appears in my mind. Death attaches itself to me. For once, Let me sleep. Death scrapes his fingers across my cheek. Death prompts the creatures to scream. Death states my future. For once, Let me sleep. With Death I stand every day. I lay with Death at night. The temptation is strong, but never forgotten. Death has no power over me. Death will come and go with time. Eventually as will I. Me with thee, forever be. With Death trailing behind.

Sweet Stranger

Dark was the night when I last saw you, Sleeking in like an ocean storm. You feel my love aching out your window, Yet you fight the urge to wake. “Let me love you tonight, Give me your midnight hour, I take nothing but give to you all, Wake now and come to the windowsill.” As if I was sleeping, I slip out of the sheets. “Who do I hear? That Voice so tender but powerful.” I turn to the curtains to center my place in time. “Am I asleep, what has slithered into my mind?” I draw back the curtain and see the sky. A beautiful moonlit night,  The voice of a lover still encircles my mind. “Allow me now, a taste of your time,  Grant permission that I may accompany thee.” “Come to me my gentle lover, Like a thief in the night.” Always ready, always near, Come fly with me in the night. Upward we fly, Surrounded by Satin, Laughter and love as the dance is made, I am taken to a veranda near the stars. In dreams I live, with this man I know, Take me forever, Eternally surrounded...

Back To Me

Through the night I carry her. Moon full and bright. No life or light remains. “My Love be still, I will save thee.” Forward I move, Never Stopping, Never Ceasing. I nearly begin to pray. “God, you left me alone and damned, Thou shalt not have this soul tonight!” Faster I feel my feet move, Quicker than a carriage at full speed. I have no horses to move me, Only undying love that I have for thee. “I have lost to many to this fate, But you are different from all the rest.” “Demonia my love I see the castle on the horizon, Thou shalt soon return to me!” Damned and lost has been my path, Until I swept you into the sky. With me in the night, you in my sight, The only living woman left for me. I can not take this a moment more, Many times I have tried to die. I can not die, forever enslaved, As God mocks my dark craved soul. Rays begin to peak over the hill, Moving faster even still, We arrive in the Castle keep,  Untouched by dawn. “Victor,  I beg you,  Bring her ...


Shimmering in the moon lit night, I still see you dancing in the dew of mornings embrace. Feet touching soil, but feeling no cold. I see you move elegantly in the glow. Dancing now, and forevermore. Each movement is subtle, stealthy as if to a song. Perhaps you hear this melody in your mind. “Oh Demonia, My Love, To feel my hands on you again, Dancing in our moonlit field.” Silently I stare from my Castle veranda, Silently I watch as you take each elegant step, “How I always loved to watch you dance.” I will stay here a while more, Until the sun weakens my soul. Bright now on the horizon, I see the sun's rays. I begin to weaken, but care not for my appearance. Death will not become a soul such as mine. I walk inside and lay in our bed, “Until tomorrow my love, I will see you again.”

Death of a Bride

Gorgeous, even in death. Trapped in your glass coffin, We gaze at your beauty. Remembering all, the just and meek. We come to you now as your Lord beckons you to sleep. Forever he loved you, forever he shall. Not one thing can stop his love for you now.  He will watch over you as we lower you into eternal sleep. Be at peace forever, knowing Dracule watches over your tomb. "My Dearest Demonia, Hath I not shown thee, the desire from deep within me?  My love upon thee like a December Fog, Thick and encircling as a storm of demons. Sleep now my love, dream as you will, for one day I'll have you here with me still."

Eternal Companion

Walking down the moonlit path, Flawlessly, with unmatched poise. She continues to the forests edge, Knowing who lies in wait. He'll take me to my special place, that cabin in the woods. This is her last appointment, for eternal life is her goal. The maiden takes her time, Walking in the clear night. Not a cloud in site, Just the maiden walking to her master. At last the time has come. "Take my hand" "Now with me forever be, Making my existence lovely again." Now you see her, night after night, walking her moonlit path. But never alone, with her love, Eternity on its path, has no chance of death.


Hold on to my image. The one you always knew. Trapped in a frame on a wall, I still long for your touch. Hold me in your hands, Remember me as I remember you. Love knows no end. Upward you look, but downward I fell.  I made the final sacrifice, That you could continue to live, love, and remain. Spawned now in the deepest hell, My love for you, Stronger than these embers of hatred. Keep my photo near you. That a piece of me will never part. Don't speak my name in sadness. Continue on my love, My soul resigns in your heart.


The path continues. Endless is its course. Neither North, South, East or West. But one sure destination. When will we get there? Where is the gateway? How will I enter? What will I say? Is someone there? Who will greet me? More tormented souls? Who will I find at the edge of darkness? Do they know me? Did they love me once in life? Will they love me now in death? Questions never answered. Hello my child. Death has returned you to me. From me you were made. But by yourself, were you destroyed.


A silent stare screams across the night. Empty souls pour down the gutter. Will you hear their pain. In silence they succumb. Listen with your eyes. Surely you can see their pain. Vanish away into your dream. Daylight drags across your darkness. Awake in death. Seek the dead. Choose the path. Your Atonement of stone.

Dracule's Bride

I long to penetrate your soul. Leave you aching with swollen desire. Take a walk with me, into endless embrace. I taste your fear, wipe your sweat. You will never leave. Encircled in my flames embrace. I am yours forever now. My soul has taken new form. But at what final cost. Eternal love, My only gift. My fangs break your skin. Drink now, this final sin, stay forevermore.

Conjuring The Macabre

A piece of myself with a slice of you. Yet still so alone under this tomb. Take me down into your gloom. Light was not meant for death. The ash dusted across my mouth. Bitter at first. Empty my soul into this fire. The embers burn. Taking away all flesh from bone. Hair from skull. Untake my soul and set it free. Light was not meant for death.

Love 'Til Death

Stones mark my path. Leading the way. To my quiet location in the woods. The breeze, constant. The leaves tremble. With every dying breath. Air still fills my lungs. Even in their decay. They die to speak.  But have nothing to say. I lay in silence. The stone path ends. Beckoning my body yearns for you.  Lay by me, Love Me. My temptress in the dark. Smitten by your touch. I tremble in my tomb. Your warm caress slithers through me. How I long to touch you. My caress dissipates through your embrace. Please take me with you. Or permit me to pass. For you are my love forever. "Its ok my love, Move on."


Tall even in death. A spectre behind stone. Watching from stained glass. Perched above the moon. In Silence he screams. Bearing the pain of centuries past. Lost loves, friendships, forever damned. Blood is the color of life and death. Seeking out his new love. "Oh Demonia, Be damned with me." "Share my eternal darkness."

The Color Black

Darkness Some see the day Possibly welcoming its warmth Bring on the night Let it breathe Darkness Black as the wing of a Raven Glimmering as that of a night star Feel its power Feel its mystery Darkness Encompassing Nostalgic Beautiful Feel its breath